Hand and arm conditions include problems that affect the bones, ligaments, artery and nerves of the shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist. Upper-extremity vascular diseases are usually uncommon. But, they can be much severe.

Shoulder: As in other parts, the main condition that affects the shoulder is the arthritis. Different kinds of arthritis are common in the case of shoulder also. Other conditions that affect the shoulder are mostly common with hand and nerve issues.
Elbow: One of the main issue that affect elbow is arthritis. Arthritis that affects the elbow can be of different types such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Other kinds of issue include elbow fractures, hand fractures, nerve injuries other systemic diseases and vascular disorders.
Wrist: Wrist can also be affected with the problem of arthritis. All the other problems are common with the other conditions that affect other parts of hand and arm.
Hand: As in the case of elbow, one of the main issue that affect the hand is arthritis. Hand can get affected by different kinds of arthritis.
Hand surgeries are routinely done as day care but complex injuries may require more than a day for management. They are usually performed by regional anaesthesia. It is done to numb the entire arm. The patient may be lightly sedated or awake partially. You will have to discuss with your surgeon and anaesthetist before the surgery about your doubts and expectations.