The hand is a unique area of the human body that is made up of bone, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, skin, and blood vessels. These elements must all be in good working order for the hand to function well. The relationship between all these structures is delicate and refined. An injury or disease can affect any or all of these structures and impair the use of the hand leading to pain, stiffness and deformity.

Hand surgeries are usually required for the following conditions:
- 1. Hand injuries
- 2. Carpometacarpal bossing
- 3. Rheumatoid arthritis
- 4. Dupuytren’s contracture
- 5. Congenital defects
- 6. Carpal tunnel syndrome
- 7. Wrist pain
- 8. Sports injuries to the hand, wrist etc
Hand surgeons perform a wide variety of operations such as fracture repairs, releases, transfer and repairs of tendons and reconstruction of injuries, rheumatoid deformities and congenital defects. They also perform microsurgical reattachment of amputated digits and limbs, microsurgical reconstruction of soft tissues and bone, nerve reconstruction, and surgery to improve function in paralyzed upper limbs.